Hi my name is Brianna.
In 2011 I wanted to create a clean candle that I could feel comfortable burning in my home. Not knowing what ingredients were in candles, but suffering from life-long asthma and allergies I knew that there had to be a better candle out there. As I could not find any I decided to teach myself. What started out as a personal hobby turned into a small business when I took the leap in 2021 and Candleora LLC was created.
My goal was to create a luxury brand that was sustainable and only use the most pure ingredients from nature.
I use only locally sourced 100% pure beeswax for my aesthetic sculpture candles. I also handcrafted my own recipe adding pure coconut oil for the scented essential oil container candles .This ensures the wax is always parrafin free and soy free.
I also only use only certified 100% pure grade essential oils. This ensures that every product is always fragrance free, skin safe, paraben free, and pthalate free.
All wicks are made of wood, cotton, or organic hemp. Each are always lead, zinc, and parrafin free.
I have sourced lead free glass, all refillable vessels that are reusable and recyclable.
I create decorative mold candles that are fully compostable and biodegradable.
All product ingredients are from mother earth making them biodegradable and compostable. All glass, tins, and paper packaging are recyclable. I even use a compostable clear wrap, no plastic.
After successfully perfecting my nontoxic candles I ventured out to create my own skincare and haircare.
There was again no products in the stores or online that I truly could trust the ingredients as now I needed for my child as well. After countless hours of research I decided to test out the best ingredients for our body products.
I sourced the best local grass fed, grass finished tallow from an amazing chef, Priscilla at Pineapple Pink. I knew I had to use her excellent top quality tallow for the best quality skincare. This has changed my skin and outlook on beauty products.
I continue trying to create new home and beauty products. My goal was to make my family's life healthier, and knowing I can make a difference in people's lives as well is what I strive for. I am grateful to no longer suffer from allergies and asthma as I have been fragrance free for many years.
I am confident it absolutely makes a difference in our health using only the most pure ingredients, oils and herbs that are truly natural from our earth.
Because you and your family deserve luxurious products in your home that are
truly clean.